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fat animal or plant substance that is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, is greasy to the touch, and is white or yellowish in color. [1/10 definitions]
nongreasy combined form of greasy.
oil any of numerous mineral, animal, plant, or synthetic substances that are viscous, usu. liquid, and greasy, and that are soluble in ether or alcohol but not in water. [1/7 definitions]
oily containing a great amount of oil, or smeared with oil; greasy. [1/3 definitions]
petrolatum a colorless or yellowish, translucent, greasy, semisolid petroleum derivative used as a lubricant and in medical ointments; petroleum jelly.
pinguid greasy; oily; fat.
smear to spread or apply (a sticky, oily, or greasy substance) on or over a surface. [4/9 definitions]
talc a soft mineral with a greasy feel used in making talcum powder and in various industrial products. [1/3 definitions]
unctuous like an oil or ointment in quality, character, or the like; greasy, oily, or slick. [1/2 definitions]