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Dictionary Suite
carry out to go through the steps of (something) and bring to completion; do (a task, experiment, study, or the like). [1/3 definitions]
filter to go through or as if through a filter. [1/7 definitions]
go about to go through the necessary steps of doing (something); proceed with. [1/2 definitions]
hemimetabolous not going through a complete metamorphosis, as certain insects that do not go through a pupal stage.
hopper a freight car that can discharge its cargo through a door in the floor. [1/5 definitions]
log off to go through the steps required to exit a computer, database, or system. Logging off ends one's access to the system until one logs in again with user name and password.
pass to cross or go through something. [1/33 definitions]
perforate to penetrate or go through something. [1/3 definitions]
pierce to stab or go through with or as if with something sharp; penetrate. [3/6 definitions]
reconnoiter to go through or over (an area) so as to gain information about it, as for military or engineering purposes. [1/2 definitions]
reproduce to go through a process of copying, duplication, or reproduction. [1/6 definitions]