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Dictionary Suite
first person a literary style in which the narration is done by one of the characters. [1/3 definitions]
historical present the present tense, or the use of this tense in the narration of events occurring in the past.
narrative the act, process, or technique of narration. [2/5 definitions]
son et lumière a dramatic presentation, or the technique of such, using special lighting effects and live or recorded narration or music, often presented at a historic site.
story1 a short humorous narration; anecdote; joke. [1/7 definitions]
subtitle a caption, narration, or bit of dialogue displayed between scenes in a silent film. [1/4 definitions]
third person a literary style in which the narration is not done by one of the characters. [1/3 definitions]
unfold to reveal, develop, or make known or clear, esp. by explanation, narration, or the like. [2/4 definitions]