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absentee ballot a ballot to be marked and delivered to an election official before election day because the voter will be unable to be at the polls on that day.
agnostic one who is unwilling or unable to commit to a particular stance concerning something. [1/4 definitions]
anesthetize to render unable to perceive bodily sensations such as pain, esp. with an anesthetic.
asylum (old-fashioned) an institution for the care of those who are unable to maintain themselves, such as orphans or the severely mentally ill. [1/3 definitions]
bankrupt impoverished or unable to pay debts. [1/6 definitions]
blind unwilling or unable to recognize or understand. [1/12 definitions]
block a state of being unable to perform a certain task. [1/19 definitions]
break down to become ineffective or unable to function. [1/4 definitions]
color-blind partly or totally unable to distinguish a color or colors. [1/2 definitions]
dead letter a letter that the post office is unable to deliver or return, usu. because of an incorrect address or the lack of a return address. [1/2 definitions]
deaf-mute both deaf and unable to speak. [1/2 definitions]
defender an attorney who defends persons accused of crimes, esp. those who are unable to pay for a lawyer; public defender. [1/4 definitions]
distracted unable to concentrate with full attention, or characterized by such inability. [1/2 definitions]
domesticated of plants, adapted to the needs of human beings and unable to grow without the intervention of humans. [1/2 definitions]
down1 unable to function; ill, incapacitated. [1/21 definitions]
draw a blank to be unable to recall or recognize. [2 definitions]
engrossed involved or mentally engaged in something to the point of being unable to focus on anything else.
eyeless unable to see; blind. [1/2 definitions]
fail of a business, to become unable to make enough money to continue operating and to pay off debts; become insolvent. [1/10 definitions]
fall apart to become unable to function normally. [1/4 definitions]
flightless unable to fly, as ostriches and certain other birds.