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angina pectoris severe recurrent pain in the chest caused by a sudden decrease in the amount of blood flowing to the heart muscle.
behavioral science a social science such as psychology, anthropology, or sociology that examines the way humans act as individuals or in groups, often to reveal recurrent patterns or general truths.
estrus the recurrent period of heat or sexual excitement in female mammals, during which the female will mate with the male.
fixed decisively arranged; predictably recurrent. [1/5 definitions]
leitmotif a recurrent theme in a musical piece or literary work that is associated with a particular character, thing, or situation.
perennial continual or recurrent. [1/4 definitions]
ratbite fever either of two infectious diseases transmitted by the bites of rats or other animals, one characterized by inflammation, back and joint pains, headache, and vomiting, and the other by a purplish rash, recurrent fever, and ulceration near the bite.
REM sleep a recurrent phase of sleep, characterized by rapid side-to-side eye movement, dreaming, and inhibition of muscle movement.
tertian occurring every third or every other day, as a recurrent fever or the disease causing it, such as malaria.
tick1 a recurrent small sharp clicking sound, esp. that of a clock or timing mechanism. [1/7 definitions]
trench fever an infectious type of rickets characterized by muscle pains and recurrent fever, and transmitted by body lice.
undulant fever a persistent and recurrent fever, accompanied by weakness and joint pains, and caused by contact with domestic animals and their products, esp. meat and milk; brucellosis.