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aperient a medicine or food that acts as a gentle laxative. [1/2 definitions]
bland gentle in effect, as nonirritating foods or nonstimulating medicines. [2/3 definitions]
breeze a light or gentle wind. [2/4 definitions]
caress a soft or gentle touching, often to express affection or love. [1/3 definitions]
coax to persuade or try to do so by gradual, gentle means such as flattery, pleading, or promises. [3 definitions]
croon a soft, gentle song or sound. [1/5 definitions]
delicate requiring care and gentle handling; sensitive. [1/7 definitions]
dove1 a kind and gentle person. [1/4 definitions]
ease out to cause (someone) to resign in the most gentle or persuasive way possible and without publicizing the fact.
gentle to make calm or gentle. [1/7 definitions]
josh (informal) to make fun of or tease, but in a gentle and kind way. [1/2 definitions]
lap3 to wash up on or slap against a surface with a gentle splash, as waves on a beach. [1/6 definitions]
nudge to give a slight or gentle push. [2/4 definitions]
nurture to support learning in, esp. in a gentle and caring way. [1/6 definitions]
plash a gentle splash. [2/3 definitions]
purl2 to turn or flow with a gentle bubbling or rippling sound. [2 definitions]
rock2 to cause to move back and forth or from side to side, esp. with a gentle motion so as to lull (a child) to sleep. [1/9 definitions]
rolling resembling waves or billows; having many gentle slopes. [1/7 definitions]
sweet gentle or pleasant in temperament; good-natured; lovable. [1/14 definitions]
tame still in the wild state but gentle and unafraid of human beings. [1/7 definitions]
tender1 expressing love or kindness in a gentle way. [1/6 definitions]