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altitude in geometry, a perpendicular line segment that extends from one vertex of a figure to the opposite edge or face, or the length of such a line segment; height. [1/4 definitions]
booster a segment of a rocket that provides the main source of propulsion during takeoff. [1/4 definitions]
centipede any of various nocturnal arthropods, with a narrow, wormlike body consisting of many segments, each segment having a pair of legs and the front segment having poison fangs or claws.
chord1 a line segment connecting two points on a curve. [1/3 definitions]
colon2 in anatomy, the segment of the large intestine between the cecum and the rectum.
curve an arc of a circle or any line resembling such a segment. [1/7 definitions]
episode a single incident or event, or a related group of these, making up a segment in a life or a long narrative. [2/3 definitions]
feeder a contributing segment of a larger unit, such as a stream that flows into a river or a branch of a railroad that joins a main line. [1/5 definitions]
femur the third segment of an insect leg. [1/2 definitions]
finale the concluding segment of a dramatic piece or course of events. [1/2 definitions]
hornworm the caterpillar of any of several hawk moths, which has a thornlike projection on the rear segment.
inning the segment of a baseball or softball game during which each side has a turn at batting. [1/3 definitions]
instant replay the reshowing of a short televised segment, as of a football play or gymnastic routine, often in slow motion, immediately after it has been initially recorded and broadcast.
interest group an organized group of individuals working together for a common cause, often formed to influence public policy or support the rights of a specific segment of the population.
lap2 a segment of a passage, such as a circuit or length of a race course, or a stage of a journey. [1/10 definitions]
lead-in an introductory statement or segment, esp. in a television performance or program. [1/3 definitions]
-mere segment; part.
minority a segment or amount consisting of less than half the total. (Cf. majority.) [1/4 definitions]
notum a dorsal plate or part on an insect segment, esp. the thorax.
offset a segment of something that deviates from the direction or level of the whole, such as a wall recess or a bend in a pipe. [1/9 definitions]
over a segment of a cricket match that is played between the change of bowlers. [1/29 definitions]