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bagel a leavened, ring-shaped bread roll with a dense, chewy texture.
brownie a small square of dense chocolate cake, usu. rich and chewy and often containing nuts. [1/3 definitions]
caramel a chewy candy, usu. of a color and flavor like burnt sugar. [1/2 definitions]
gumdrop a small chewy candy made of flavored gum arabic or gelatin and usu. coated with granulated sugar.
jujube a fruit-flavored candy lozenge, usu. soft and chewy. [1/2 definitions]
lebkuchen (sometimes cap.) a type of hard or chewy cookie containing citron, nuts, and honey.
licorice a chewy candy flavored with licorice. [1/3 definitions]
macaroon a soft, chewy cookie made of sugar, egg whites, and ground almonds or coconut.
nougat a chewy or brittle candy that contains nuts and sometimes chunks of fruit.
taffy a chewy candy made of molasses or sugar that is boiled and then pulled until it holds its shape.