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achromatic able to give an image in which colors are reproduced with little or no distortion. [1/3 definitions]
anamorphic producing, marked by, or pertaining to intentional distortion of an image.
bias an irregularity or distortion, as in a ball, causing deviation from the intended path. [1/8 definitions]
big lie a gross falsity, distortion, or misrepresentation that becomes widely accepted through constant repetition and elaboration (usu. prec. by "the"). [1/2 definitions]
deformity a moral or aesthetic defect or distortion. [1/3 definitions]
fauvism (sometimes cap.) in early twentieth-century painting, an expressionistic development, esp. French, involving the juxtaposition of different bold colors and sometimes the distortion of form.
fisheye lens a wide-angle camera lens that covers a full 180 degrees, producing images characterized by peripheral distortion and dramatically foreshortened perspective.
flutter a distortion in the sound of a recording, due to fluctuations in speed. [1/9 definitions]
high fidelity a method of sound recording and reproduction that captures and reproduces the entire range of audible frequencies with very little distortion.
homolosine projection a map of the earth's surface, characterized by accurate representation of the continents that results in some distortion of the oceans.
moue a pronounced distortion of the face expressing dejection, petulance, disappointment, or the like; pout.
oversimplify to simplify to the point of error or distortion.
paramnesia in psychiatry, a distortion of memory in which factual and imagined events become confused.
shimmer to seem to waver or vibrate, as because of the distortion of heat waves. [1/3 definitions]
stress physical pressure or force that causes strain on or distortion of something. [1/8 definitions]
twist a misrepresentation or distortion of something. [1/19 definitions]
warp a distortion, such as a bend or twist, from a straight or flat form, often caused by heat. [1/10 definitions]
wow2 a slow variation or distortion of the pitch of sound reproduced from a recording.
wrench a sharp twist in form or meaning; distortion. [1/13 definitions]