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Dictionary Suite
baked beans beans that have been boiled and then baked, often with salt pork, tomato sauce, or molasses.
beefsteak tomato any large red flavorful tomato.
berry in botany, a fleshy fruit with a seed or seeds embedded in the pulp, such as the grape, currant, or tomato. [1/5 definitions]
bloody Mary (often cap.) a mixed drink made mostly of vodka and tomato juice.
BLT a toasted sandwich made with fried bacon, strips of lettuce, and sliced tomato.
cacciatore cooked in a covered pot with olive oil, tomato paste, onions, wine, herbs, and other ingredients.
cherry tomato a red or yellow tomato about the size of a cherry, often used in salads.
chowder a thick soup typically containing clams, fish, or corn, with potatoes and onions in a milk or tomato base.
club sandwich a sandwich of three or more layers of bread, often toasted, that is filled with layers of meat, cheese, tomato, mayonnaise, and the like.
falafel a sandwich made of falafel, diced tomato or cucumber, sometimes onions or lettuce, and a sauce, usu. stuffed into pita bread. [1/2 definitions]
huevos rancheros (used with a sing. or pl. verb) a Mexican dish of fried eggs topped with a spicy tomato sauce and often other ingredients.
ketchup a thick sauce for meat or potatoes, usu. made with tomato purée and spices.
manicotti a dish of Italian origin that uses pasta usu. stuffed with a cheese mixture, topped with a tomato sauce, and baked.
marinara a highly seasoned tomato sauce made with garlic and spices. [1/2 definitions]
pizza an originally Italian food comprising a flat, doughy crust covered with tomato sauce, cheese, and often meat or vegetables and then baked.
plum tomato a small pear-shaped or elongated tomato, often used for cooking.
salad any of various cold vegetable mixtures, usu. containing lettuce, tomato, cucumber, onions, and the like, and served with a dressing. [1/2 definitions]
sloppy Joe (often l.c.) spicy ground meat cooked in tomato sauce and served on a bun.
spaghetti a form of pasta made in long thin strings, usu. served with a meat, tomato, or other sauce. [1/2 definitions]
tomato hornworm a large green caterpillar that feeds on plants of the nightshade family, esp. tomato and potato plants, and develops into the hawk moth.