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Dictionary Suite
approximation an estimate; guess. [1/3 definitions]
charade (usu. pl.) a game in which each player must act out a word or phrase without speaking, while the other teammates must try to guess it. [1/2 definitions]
conjecture the making of a guess or inference, esp. with little evidence. [4 definitions]
crossword a puzzle in which the player must guess words from numbered clues and enter them in the correspondingly numbered series of vertical or horizontal squares; crossword puzzle.
crossword puzzle a puzzle in which the player must guess words from numbered clues and enter them in the correspondingly numbered series of vertical or horizontal squares.
divine to see or know by intuition or inspired guess. [2/12 definitions]
estimate a rough calculation or educated guess as to the amount, size, or value of something. [1/6 definitions]
expect (informal) to guess or suppose. [1/6 definitions]
guessable combined form of guess.
hunch a strong suspicion or guess; intuition. [1/7 definitions]
hypothesize to form a hypothesis; make an informed guess; theorize. [1/2 definitions]
imagine to guess or assume; suppose. [1/3 definitions]
judgment an educated guess based upon available information. [1/5 definitions]
second-guess to guess or predict a development, outcome, or action of. [1/2 definitions]
speculate to wonder or make a guess or guesses with respect to something. [2/5 definitions]
suppose to guess or assume something. [1/4 definitions]
surmise to infer without certain knowledge; suppose; guess. [2/3 definitions]