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actin any of a group of contractile proteins, including proteins involved in muscle contraction, cell motility, and maintenance of cellular shape.
contractile able to contract or cause contraction.
convulsion a violent, involuntary, spasmodic contraction of the muscles. [1/3 definitions]
cramp1 (sometimes pl.) a painful and debilitating contraction or spasm of any muscle of the body. [1/3 definitions]
creatine a compound found in muscle primarily as phosphocreatine, which supplies energy for muscle contraction. Creatine can be taken as a dietary supplement.
frown a contraction of the forehead, as in anger, displeasure, or perplexity; scowl. [1/5 definitions]
gonna contraction of "going to" used in some types of writing to reflect how the two words of the expression "be going to" are often pronounced in rapid, informal speech.
heartbeat a single expansion and contraction of a heart.
incubation the period between the contraction of an infection and the first appearance of symptoms. [1/2 definitions]
isometric of or pertaining to the contraction or exercise of the muscles by exerting them against fixed objects. [1/4 definitions]
kinda contraction of "kind of," used in some kinds of writing to reflect how the two words are often pronounced in rapid, informal speech (used as an adverb).
miosis severe contraction of the pupil of the eye. (Cf. mydriasis.)
myosin any of a family of proteins that hydrolyzes ATP to produce motion, as in muscle contraction.
phosphocreatine a form of creatine containing phosphate that supplies energy for muscle contraction.
plasmolysis the contraction of a cell's protoplasm, esp. in plants, because of the loss of water through the cell membrane or wall.
shrink an act or instance of contraction or reduction in size. [2/7 definitions]
sorta contraction of "sort of" used in some kinds of writing to reflect how the two words are often pronounced in rapid, informal speech (used as an adverb).
spasm a sudden uncontrolled contraction of a muscle or group of muscles. [1/2 definitions]
spasticity a condition of sudden and uncontrolled contraction of a muscle or group of muscles.
spastic paralysis a condition in which certain muscles remain in a state of continuous contraction, causing rigidity of moving parts and exaggerated tendon reflexes.
steady state theory the cosmologic theory, no longer in favor, that new matter is continuously created, causing the universe to expand without requiring cycles of explosion and contraction. (Cf. big bang theory.)