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attached having fond or affectionate feelings for and not wanting to part with. [1/4 definitions]
crazy (informal) extremely fond; passionately devoted (usu. fol. by "about"). [1/8 definitions]
didact a person who is fond of instructing others; didactic person.
doggy2 (informal) fond of dogs, or involved in dog-breeding. [1/2 definitions]
domestic particularly fond of the home or maintaining a home. [1/5 definitions]
enamored highly enthusiastic, fond, or infatuated (usu. fol. by "of" or "with").
fancy to like or be fond of. [1/14 definitions]
fondness the quality or condition of being fond. [1/3 definitions]
gregarious fond of socializing with others; sociable. [1/2 definitions]
mad passionately fond of. [1/6 definitions]
overfond combined form of fond.
punster someone who is fond of or skilled at making puns.
sportive of, relating to, or fond of sports; athletic. [1/2 definitions]
sybarite a person who is fond of pleasure and luxury; voluptuary. [1/2 definitions]
talkative tending to talk often and at length; fond of talking. [1/2 definitions]
unfond combined form of fond.