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bail1 an amount of money or other property left with a court to ensure that a person who is released after arrest will return to stand trial. [1/5 definitions]
FDA abbreviation of "Food and Drug Administration," a federal government agency that regulates the food, drug, medical device, and cosmetics industries to ensure public safety.
Food and Drug Administration a federal government agency that regulates the food, drug, medical device, and cosmetics industries to ensure public safety. (abbr.:FDA)
guarantee to make (something) a certainty; ensure. [1/11 definitions]
ice (informal) to ensure success in. [1/12 definitions]
insure to guarantee or make sure of; ensure. [1/6 definitions]
lean over backward to make unusually great efforts, as to ensure fairness or to please someone.
manhood suffrage within a nation, the right of all adult men to vote regardless of their status. In the United States in the nineteenth century, the movement within individual states toward manhood suffrage sought to guarantee that poor and propertyless white men would not be denied the vote. This movement succeeded in its particular aims but did nothing to ensure the right to vote for non-whites. Although the Fifteenth Amendment was passed after the Civil War to prevent states from denying the right to vote to anyone based on race, manhood suffrage continued to be denied to non-white adult males in many states.
piston ring a thin split metal ring that fits around a piston, in an automobile or other engine, to ensure a tight seal between the piston and the cylinder.
precaution an action or measure taken beforehand to avoid or prevent a dangerous circumstance, or to ensure a favorable result. [1/2 definitions]
protect to ensure the safety of; shield from danger or harm. [1/3 definitions]
recognizance an amount of money held in order to ensure fulfillment of such a promise. [1/2 definitions]
sanction something intended to ensure compliance with a law, such as a penalty for disobedience. [1/8 definitions]
starting gate any of several types of movable gates or barriers used to ensure an equal start, as for horses or dogs in a race.
survivalist one who believes that a disaster such as nuclear war or social upheaval is likely to occur and who attempts to ensure his or her survival by building shelter in a remote area, hoarding food and supplies, and the like.