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Dictionary Suite
airway a passage for ventilation, as in a mine. [1/3 definitions]
dunnage loose packing material used for protection or ventilation around cargo on a ship or train. [1/2 definitions]
funnel a flue or shaft used for ventilation, esp. a smokestack on a ship. [1/4 definitions]
grille a grating, often of metal, used as a screen, barrier, or decoration over an opening such as a window or the ventilation area of an engine.
PCV abbreviation of "positive crankcase ventilation," the flow of engine exhaust fumes into an auto engine's cylinders as part of a pollution control system.
spiracle an opening or hole that allows for the passage of air for breathing or ventilation; air hole. [1/3 definitions]
uptake a conduit or passage leading upward, such as a chimney or ventilation pipe. [1/2 definitions]