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Dictionary Suite
charge a quantity of explosives ready to be set off. [1/22 definitions]
detonator a device used to set off explosives. [1/2 definitions]
frontlet the forehead of a bird or animal, esp. when set off by a distinctive color or texture. [1/2 definitions]
go-devil a metal dart dropped into an oil well to set off a previously placed explosive such as dynamite. [1/4 definitions]
irritate to set off some characteristic physical function or response in (living tissue), or make abnormally sensitive; excite; inflame. [1/4 definitions]
lone set off by itself; isolated. [1/3 definitions]
pinwheel a firework that resembles such a toy and that spins and sparkles brilliantly when it is set off. [1/3 definitions]
trigger to cause, begin, or set off (an action or series of actions). [1/4 definitions]