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Dictionary Suite
carbonate to infuse or charge with carbon dioxide, as soft drinks or soda water. [1/3 definitions]
club soda a carbonated, unflavored water; soda water.
horse's neck a drink of ginger ale with soda water and sometimes liquor.
rickey a drink made of soda water, lime juice, sugar, and often gin.
sangrķa a cold drink made from a mix of red wine, fruit juice, sugar, and soda water.
seltzer any water with an artificial effervescence; soda water. [1/2 definitions]
soda carbonated water; soda water. [2/5 definitions]
soda fountain an apparatus for dispensing soda water, usu. through faucets. [1/2 definitions]
sour an alcoholic drink made with lemon or lime juice, sugar, whisky or gin, and sometimes soda water. [1/10 definitions]