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Dictionary Suite
amyloid a starchy substance, as in food. [1/3 definitions]
cornstarch a fine, starchy flour ground from corn grains, used as a thickener for cooked foods or a source of industrial starch.
farinaceous containing much starch; starchy. [1/3 definitions]
plantain1 a fruit similar to but larger, firmer, and less sweet than the banana, usu. cooked as a starchy vegetable. [1/2 definitions]
potato the starchy, edible tuber of this plant, which has a thin, usu. brown, yellow, or reddish skin. [1/3 definitions]
salep the starchy meal ground from the dried tubers of various orchids, used as food and, formerly, as a medicine.
silverfish a silver-colored, wingless household insect that feeds on starchy materials such as book bindings, wallpaper, and starched clothing. [1/2 definitions]
taro either of two tuberous plants widely cultivated in the tropics, esp. in the South Pacific, for their starchy edible roots.
yam the edible starchy, tuberous root of a tropical climbing plant, or the plant itself. [1/2 definitions]