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content2 wanting no more than what one has; satisfied. [2/3 definitions]
contented satisfied with existing conditions; content.
contentment the state of being content or satisfied.
deficiency judgment a judicial decision in favor of a creditor for that part of a debt not satisfied by the debtor, esp. following the foreclosure and sale of a mortgage property.
discontent not content or satisfied; discontented. [1/4 definitions]
dissatisfaction the state or condition of not being satisfied, or a cause of this condition.
fat cat one who is self-satisfied or lazy because of privilege or wealth. [1/2 definitions]
formality a requirement satisfied merely for the sake of form or custom. [1/5 definitions]
insatiable incapable of being satisfied or fulfilled; extremely greedy.
insatiate not satisfied; impossible to satisfy; insatiable.
perfectionism the tendency not to be satisfied with less than perfection. [1/2 definitions]
perfectionist one who tends not to be satisfied with less than perfect performance from herself or himself. [1/3 definitions]
pleased made satisfied or happy.
pleasure a happy, delighted, or satisfied feeling. [1/6 definitions]
plume to be satisfied with (oneself) about something (often fol. by "on" or "upon"). [1/6 definitions]
proud feeling pleased or satisfied with oneself because of an accomplishment, attribute, or possession. [1/6 definitions]
satiable capable of being fully satisfied or satiated.
satiety the condition of being completely full or satisfied, often to excess; glut.
self-complacent satisfied or pleased with oneself; smug.
smirk to smile in a self-satisfied, offensively knowing, or self-conscious way. [3 definitions]
smug offensively confident of or satisfied with oneself; complacent.