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Alexandria an Egyptian seaport on the Nile delta, founded by Alexander the Great.
Ammon the Greek and Roman name for Amen or Amen-Re, the ancient Egyptian god of life, often identified with Zeus and Jupiter.
ankh in Egyptian art, a cross with a loop at the top, symbolic of life.
Anubis in Egyptian mythology, the god, represented with a jackal head, who leads the dead to judgment.
Coptic Church the Egyptian Christian church, which holds as its doctrine that Jesus Christ's nature was single and divine.
Egyptology the study of ancient Egyptian artifacts, culture, history, or the like.
Great Pyramid of Giza a limestone and granite pyramid, which is the oldest and only remaining of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, built circa 2500 B.C.E. as a memorial and tomb for King Khufu, the second king of the fourth Egyptian dynasty.
hieratic of or designating a simplified form of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. [1/2 definitions]
Horus the Egyptian god of the sun, usu. depicted as a falcon or as a man with a falcon's head.
Isis in Egyptian mythology, the goddess of fertility.
mastaba an ancient Egyptian tomb, built over a mummy chamber or burial pit, which has a rectangular base, inwardly sloping sides, and a flat roof.
Osiris the ancient Egyptian god of the lower world and judge of the dead whose annual resurrection was believed to personify nature's yearly renewal.
phoenix (sometimes cap.) in Egyptian mythology, a beautiful bird that lives for about five hundred years, sets itself on fire, and rises reborn from the ashes, symbolizing immortality.
pylon a tall, massive structure that serves to delineate an approach, as to a bridge or, esp., to an ancient Egyptian temple. [1/3 definitions]
Ra2 in Egyptian mythology, the supreme god and sun god, depicted with a head of a hawk crowned with a solar disk.
Rosetta stone an inscribed stone tablet found near Rosetta, Egypt, in 1799 that bears parallel legends in Greek as well as ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic and demotic scripts, thus enabling the first deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphics. [1/2 definitions]
Serapis an Egyptian god of the lower world who was later worshiped throughout the Greco-Roman world.
Sesheshet the mother of King Teti, the Egyptian ruler who was the first pharaoh of Egypt's Sixth Dynasty in the third millenium B.C.E.
sphinx in Egyptian mythology, a creature with a lion's body and the head of a human or animal. [1/4 definitions]
Tutankhamen an Egyptian king of the eighteenth dynasty (fourteenth century B.C.).