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asocial inconsiderate or selfish. [1/2 definitions]
bum (informal) one who does not want to work, or one who takes selfish advantage of the generosity of others. [1/5 definitions]
egocentric self-centered or selfish. [1/3 definitions]
egoist a self-centered or selfish person. [1/2 definitions]
egotistic self-centered or selfish; egoistic. [1/2 definitions]
egotistical self-centered or selfish. [1/2 definitions]
exploitation the selfish or unfair using of someone or something for one's own advantage. [1/3 definitions]
meanie (informal) a mean or selfish person (often used ironically).
murder to kill (someone) intentionally and with selfish motives. [1/5 definitions]
murderer a person who kills another person intentionally and with selfish motives.
self-centered concerned only with oneself; egotistical; selfish.
self-interest concern for one's own advantage or interest, esp. a selfish concern. [1/2 definitions]
self-seeking the usu. selfish pursuit of one's own interests, rather than those of others. [2 definitions]
take advantage to selfishly exploit an opportunity or weakness, or use in a selfish manner for one's own benefit (usu. fol. by "of"). [1/2 definitions]
use to employ for selfish motives; exploit. [1/12 definitions]