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Dictionary Suite
aluminium British spelling of aluminum.
behove British spelling of "behoove."
cacography incorrect spelling. [1/2 definitions]
contraction a shortened form of a word or words, generally containing an apostrophe in the written form to represent missing letters. Contractions reflect the elimination of certain sounds as well as, in some cases, changes in sound and spelling, as when the vowel pronunciation changes in the case of "will not" being shortened to "won't." [1/3 definitions]
dictionary a reference work that contains a list of words of a particular language, usu. in alphabetical order and supplemented with information about the spelling, pronunciation, and meaning of each word. [1/3 definitions]
English to adapt the pronunciation or spelling of to English; anglicize. [1/7 definitions]
Ganesha alternate spelling of Ganesh.
git1 a spelling of the word "get" that represents a pronunciation primarily associated with the southern and western U.S. [1/2 definitions]
homograph a word that has the same spelling as another but a different origin and meaning.
homophone a word that sounds the same as another but has a different meaning and often a different spelling.
ideogram a written character or symbol that represents an object or idea without spelling out particular words. [1/2 definitions]
irregular in grammar or spelling, being an exception to the general rules, as of inflection. [1/10 definitions]
Kiev former English spelling of the capital of Ukraine, now Kyiv.
orthography spelling, esp. according to established conventions or in a particular style. [2 definitions]
phonics (used with a sing. verb) a method of teaching spelling, pronunciation, and reading that uses a phonetic rendering of the standard spelling system. [1/2 definitions]
phonography the practice of transcribing speech sounds into symbols; phonetic spelling, writing, or transcription. [1/2 definitions]
Plimoth spelling of "Plymouth" originally used by English colonists who settled the Massachusetts area. (See Plymouth.)
self-pronouncing having the pronunciation indicated with accent marks, diacritical marks, or the like on the original spelling rather than using phonetic symbols.
semaphore a system of spelling out messages by varying the positions of two hand-held flags. [1/3 definitions]
sp. abbreviation of "spelling," the way one or more words are spelled; orthography.
spelldown see "spelling bee."