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blind trust certain personal assets, such as stocks, placed under the confidential management of an independent trustee, as in an effort to avoid conflict of interest during one's term of public office. [1/2 definitions]
cotrustee combined form of trustee.
depositary a person or firm that is given responsibility for something; trustee. [1/2 definitions]
fiduciary a person who is legally entrusted with the assets or powers of another, to be used in the other's best interest; trustee; agent. [1/3 definitions]
trust account a type of savings account in which the funds are controlled by the depositor as trustee and become payable to the beneficiary upon the trustee's death.
trust company a company or corporation that acts as a trustee and often engages in other banking or commercial activities as well.
trustee to put in the care of a trustee. [1/3 definitions]
trusteeship the duties or position of a trustee. [1/2 definitions]