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celandine a plant of the poppy family that has deeply divided leaves, yellow flowers, and a yellow-orange fluid in its stem. [1/2 definitions]
opium an addictive drug derived from one variety of poppy, containing various narcotic substances, and producing calm, stupor, sleep, or relief from pain. [1/2 definitions]
opium poppy a Eurasian annual poppy having grayish-green leaves and bearing large white, red, pink, or purple flowers, and oily seeds, the unripe pods of which may be harvested for their opium-containing sap.
Oriental poppy a perennial of the poppy family native to the Mediterranean region and grown for its large red, pink, or white flowers.
poppy the narcotic obtained from the opium poppy; opium. [1/3 definitions]
poppy seed the seed of the poppy plant, used as a garnish or filling in baking.