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Dictionary Suite
blithesome merry and gay in nature; cheerful.
bright marked by liveliness; cheerful. [1/7 definitions]
brighten to become or cause to be enlivened or more cheerful. [1/2 definitions]
bubbly extremely cheerful; spontaneously exuberant. [1/2 definitions]
cheer up to stop being sad or unhappy; become cheerful or more cheerful. [1/2 definitions]
chipper1 (informal) in good health or spirits; cheerful.
effervescent in high, cheerful spirits; lively; animated. [1/2 definitions]
enliven to cause to be lively or cheerful.
exhilarate to make extremely cheerful; gladden greatly. [1/2 definitions]
gaily in a cheerful or merry manner. [1/2 definitions]
good cheer cheerful, optimistic, or courageous spirits. [1/3 definitions]
good humor a pleasant, cheerful, amiable mood.
good nature a pleasant, cheerful, amiable disposition; geniality.
good-natured having or showing a pleasant, cheerful, easygoing, or friendly character or mood.
good will cheerful willingness or consent. [1/3 definitions]
jocund merry or cheerful in manner or appearance; jovial.
jolly cheerful, enthusiastic, and merry. [1/4 definitions]
jovial heartily cheerful, friendly, and merry; convivial.
lighthearted cheerful or gay; carefree.
lightsome1 cheerful; lighthearted. [1/3 definitions]
merrily in a cheerful and happy way.