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chela a pincerlike claw of a hard-shelled animal such as a lobster or scorpion.
coral the unfertilized eggs of the lobster. [1/6 definitions]
crawdad any of several small freshwater crustaceans related to and resembling the lobster; crawdaddy; crayfish; crawfish.
crawdaddy any of several small, freshwater crustaceans related to and resembling the lobster; crawdad; crayfish; crawfish.
crayfish any of several small freshwater crustaceans related to and resembling the lobster. [2 definitions]
langoustine any of several edible marine crustaceans, esp. a small lobster of the North Atlantic.
lobster the flesh of the lobster eaten as food. [1/3 definitions]
lobster Newburg lobster cooked in a cream sauce and often flavored with sherry.
lobster thermidor lobster cooked with mushrooms and cheese in a cream sauce, replaced in the shell, and browned in an oven.
roe1 the egg mass of some crustaceans, such as the lobster. [1/2 definitions]
shellfish an aquatic invertebrate animal that has a shell, esp. an edible animal such as a clam, oyster, or lobster.