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abaca a Philippine plant of the banana family that yields a fiber used in making rope.
acrylic a synthetic fiber, resin, or paint made from acrylic acid or its derivatives. [1/2 definitions]
arthroscope an instrument in the shape of a fine tube that is used, in conjunction with fiber optics, for diagnosing and treating ailments of the joint.
basket a container made of any of various materials such as wood strips, grass, fiber, or the like, usu. woven or laced together. [1/3 definitions]
bulk food, such as cellulose or dietary fiber, that aids digestion. [1/7 definitions]
cable a thick, strong rope made of fiber or steel. [1/11 definitions]
coir the fiber made from coconut husks, used for matting, rope, or the like.
colonoscopy examination of the colon with a flexible, fiber-optic instrument inserted into the rectum.
cotton the soft, white fiber of this plant. [2/6 definitions]
Dacron trademark for a synthetic, wrinkle-resistant polyester fiber or fabric.
end organ any specialized receptor at the end of a sensory or motor nerve fiber.
endoscopic of or relating to the use of a flexible fiber-optic instrument to examine an inner part of the body.
espadrille a sandal with a canvas upper and a sole of rubber or twisted fiber.
fender an object of rubber, fiber, wood, or other material hung from the side of a vessel to prevent contact between the side and other surfaces. [1/5 definitions]
fibril an extremely small fiber or hairlike structure, as on plant roots.
fibro- fiber.
filament a fine strand, as of thread, fiber, or wire. [1/3 definitions]
flax a textile fiber made from the stems of these plants or the thread made from such fiber; linen fiber. [1/2 definitions]
flaxen having the pale yellow color of prepared flax fiber. [1/2 definitions]
flock2 a tuft, as of wool or other fiber. [1/5 definitions]
floss any silky or cottony fiber such as corn silk. [1/5 definitions]