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absolute value the magnitude of a real number irrespective of its sign; distance of a real number from zero. [2 definitions]
Aldebaran an orange binary star in the constellation Taurus, having a combined magnitude of 0.9.
Algol an eclipsing binary star in the constellation Perseus, having a magnitude that varies between 2.3 and 3.4.
Alpha Centauri a double star in the constellation Centaurus, the closest star to the solar system, having a combined magnitude of -0.3.
Alpheratz a bright star in the constellations Pegasus and Andromeda, having a magnitude of 2.0.
Altair the brightest star in the constellation Aquila, having a magnitude of 0.8.
ammeter an instrument that measures the magnitude of an electrical current in amperes.
amperage the magnitude of an electrical current, expressed in amperes.
Antares a red binary star in the constellation Scorpius, having a combined magnitude of 1.0.
Arcturus an orange star in the constellation Boötes, having a magnitude of zero.
Betelgeuse a red variable star in the constellation Orion, having a magnitude of 0.7.
Capella a yellow triple star in the constellation Auriga, having a magnitude of 0.1.
Castor a white triple star, each component of which is a double star, in the constellation Gemini, having a combined magnitude of 2.5.
colossal extremely large in size, magnitude, or effect; enormous; gigantic; huge.
coordinate in mathematics, a magnitude that defines position with reference to a fixed point or system of lines, or an element of a set of numbers representing such magnitudes. [1/11 definitions]
Deneb the brightest star in the constellation Cygnus, having a magnitude of 1.2.
dipole a pair of electric charges or magnetic poles that are of equal magnitude but opposite polarity. [1/3 definitions]
eclipsing binary two stars that orbit a common center of gravity and periodically move in front of each other, causing a fluctuating magnitude.
extenuate to reduce the magnitude or seriousness of (a fault or offense) by offering partial excuses.
Mira a red variable star in the constellation Cetus, having a widely fluctuating magnitude between 2.0 and 10.0.
Mizar a binary star in the constellation Ursa Major, having a magnitude of 2.2.