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bone the hard, calcified connective tissue that forms the skeleton of most vertebrates. [1/5 definitions]
bonefish any of several silvery marine fishes, esp. a bottom-feeder living in shallow tropical waters, having a skeleton composed of many small bones.
cartilaginous having a skeleton composed mainly of cartilage, as certain fishes. [1/2 definitions]
coral the hard skeleton secreted by certain marine polyps of tropical seas, deposited in masses that form reefs or atolls. [2/6 definitions]
death (cap.) the personification of death, usu. in the form of a skeleton wearing a long, black, hooded cape and carrying a scythe. [1/5 definitions]
elasmobranch any of various fishes with a cartilaginous skeleton, such as a shark or ray.
Java man a prehistoric human known from fossilized skeleton parts found in Java, thought to be from the late Pleistocene period; pithecanthropus.
musculoskeletal of, relating to, or involving the muscles and skeleton.
osteal relating to or affecting bone or the skeleton. [1/2 definitions]
passkey a key that has been filed down so that it opens several kinds of locks; skeleton key. [1/3 definitions]
radiolarian any small marine protozoan having an amoebalike body encased in a silica skeleton.
skate2 any of several fish related to rays, found along the western U.S. coast and having a skeleton of cartilage, a flat body, side fins extending out like wings, and usu. a pointed snout.
skeletonize to reduce to a skeleton or basic structure. [1/3 definitions]
spinal column in vertebrate animals, the row of vertebrae linked together to form the axis of the skeleton and protect the spinal cord; spine; backbone.
sponge any of various aquatic animals with a porous body and a tough fibrous or calcareous skeleton formed of irregular clumps or branched masses that are attached to underwater surfaces. [2/10 definitions]