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Dictionary Suite
bluebottle a variety of blowfly having an iridescent blue body. [1/2 definitions]
changeable changing in color or appearance, esp. when viewed from different angles, such as some silk; iridescent. [1/2 definitions]
hummingbird any of numerous mostly tropical American birds that are usu. very small and have long slender bills, narrow wings that beat very rapidly, and bright-colored, iridescent plumage.
jacamar an exotic tropical American bird having iridescent green plumage and a long bill.
June bug any of several large brown or iridescent green beetles of the eastern United States which appear in late spring and early summer.
mallard a common wild duck, the male of which has an iridescent, dark green head and neck.
mother-of-pearl the glossy hard iridescent substance that forms the inner surface of some shells and is commonly used in jewelry and inlaid decoration.
nacre a hard, iridescent material lining certain seashells, such as that of the pearl oyster; mother-of-pearl.
nacreous resembling nacre; iridescent; lustrous. [1/2 definitions]
opal a variously colored, often iridescent, hydrated form of silica often used as a semiprecious stone.
opalescent exhibiting a spectrum of colors or changing colors like that of an opal; iridescent. [1/2 definitions]
prismatic having many colors; iridescent; dazzling. [1/4 definitions]