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adjournment the act of adjourning, or the condition of being adjourned. [1/2 definitions]
admixture the act of mixing or the condition of being mixed. [1/2 definitions]
adoption the act or fact of becoming the legal parent of another person's child, or the act or condition of being thus adopted as another's child. [2 definitions]
adoration the act or condition of adoring or worshiping. [1/3 definitions]
adulteration the condition or state of being adulterated. [1/3 definitions]
adversity a condition of misfortune or difficulty. [1/2 definitions]
affiliation the condition or fact of being affiliated, esp. with an organization.
affirmative the condition or state of agreement. [1/4 definitions]
affliction a condition of pain or suffering, or the cause of such a state.
again to a previous state, condition, or place. [1/5 definitions]
-age condition or situation. [1/5 definitions]
agitation the condition of being stirred up; turmoil or disturbance. [1/3 definitions]
AIDS-related complex a condition characterized by enlargement of the lymph nodes that may be an early sign of AIDS.
ailing in poor or weakened health or condition; sickly or sick.
airiness the quality or condition of being airy or fresh. [2 definitions]
albinism a congenital condition characterized by the partial or complete absence of pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes.
alcoholism a pathological condition resulting from habitual overuse of alcoholic beverages, characterized by dependence on alcohol, difficulty in functioning properly, and severe withdrawal symptoms when alcohol use is stopped.
alienation the act of alienating or the condition of being alienated. [1/3 definitions]
alkalosis a pathological condition of the body fluids, characterized by a dangerously high alkali content.
allergic of or pertaining to a state or condition of allergy. [1/3 definitions]
alliance the act of allying or condition of being allied. [1/3 definitions]