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alienate to cause to become unfriendly or averse; estrange. [1/2 definitions]
alter to become different. [1/2 definitions]
ambition a strong desire to reach a set goal or to be generally successful in life, esp. the desire to become famous, wealthy, or powerful. [1/2 definitions]
ameliorate to become better; improve. [1/2 definitions]
Americanize to cause to become American in appearance, character, speech, practices, or the like.
anger to become angry. [1/4 definitions]
apostatize to become apostate.
appear to come into view; become visible. [1/5 definitions]
appease to cause to become calmer or less agitated, esp. by satisfying demands or making concessions; placate. [1/2 definitions]
approach to move in the direction of or become nearly equal to in quality, degree, or amount. [1/9 definitions]
Aral Sea formerly, a very large, single lake in Central Asia. Once one of the world's largest lakes, the Aral Sea has vastly diminished in volume of water and has divided into separate parts as a result of the diversion, for agricultural purposes, of the rivers that fed the lake. The southeastern part of the Aral Sea has become entirely dry.
arm2 to become prepared for a state of war. [1/7 definitions]
arthritis a disease of the joints in which they become painfully inflamed.
assimilate to be or become absorbed or incorporated. [3/8 definitions]
-ate1 to become, or to cause to become or have. [1/5 definitions]
attenuate to become thin, rarefied, or fine. [1/4 definitions]
augment to become greater in size, degree, or amount. [1/2 definitions]
awake to become aroused from sleep; wake up. [1/6 definitions]
awaken to make or become keenly aware. [1/2 definitions]
back up of traffic, to become so slow that vehicles form long lines behind each other with little space between each vehicle. [1/8 definitions]
bake to become baked. [1/5 definitions]