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anal-retentive in psychoanalysis, having or showing unusual obstinacy, frugality, or an excessive concern with trivial details that supposedly results from conflict over toilet training in childhood. [1/2 definitions]
Angler fish any of various deepwater marine fishes that have a large mouth over which dangles a wormlike appendage that lures prey.
antique an object of art or handicraft, such as furniture, made in earlier times, esp. over one hundred years before, and usu. of interest to collectors. [1/5 definitions]
aquaplane of a vehicle or tire, to skid over water without the adequate traction for control. (Cf. hydroplane.) [1/3 definitions]
archbishop a highest ranking bishop who officiates over a church diocese or province.
archdiocese the diocese presided over by an archbishop.
articulated lorry (chiefly British) a very large truck, consisting of a cab and freight-hauling trailer, that carries goods over long distances; tractor-trailer; semi.
aslant crossing at a slant; slantingly across or over. [1/2 definitions]
astride over or upon and with a leg on each side of; straddling. [2/4 definitions]
Austronesian a family of languages spoken over a vast area from the Indian Ocean to New Zealand and Hawaii. [1/3 definitions]
autocrat any person who has or claims to have unlimited power or authority over others. [2/3 definitions]
awning a protective structure, often made of canvas, erected over a door or window.
babysit to watch over or supervise children in the absence of their parents, usu. for payment.
babysitter a person who watches over or supervises children in the absence of their parents, usu. for payment.
balance that which remains or is left over. [1/8 definitions]
baldachin in architecture, a permanent canopy, as of stone, over an altar or other structure. [1/3 definitions]
baldric a belt, often decorated, that is worn over the shoulder and diagonally across the body to carry a sword or bugle.
barbecue a party, often held outdoors, at which meat and sometimes vegetables are roasted on a grill or spit over an open fire. [2/4 definitions]
barefaced with no covering over the face. [1/3 definitions]
bargain to talk over the terms of a transaction or exchange; negotiate. [1/6 definitions]
barogram a visual record of atmospheric pressure over time, produced by a barograph.