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anarchist a person who encourages disobedience toward any or all established governments. [1/2 definitions]
antisemitic prejudiced against or hostile toward Jews. [1/2 definitions]
antisemitism prejudice, discrimination, or hostility toward Jews.
aport on or toward the left or port side of a vessel.
aside on the side; toward the side. [1/6 definitions]
astern toward the back or rear of a boat or aircraft; backwards. [1/2 definitions]
at1 in the direction of; toward. [1/5 definitions]
auction bridge a version of bridge in which players bid for the right to specify which suit will be trump, any extra tricks won beyond the contract being scored toward a game.
axial in, on, or toward an axis. [1/2 definitions]
babirusa a wild pig of the East Indies, the male of which has tusks that grow up through the snout and curve backward toward the eyes.
back toward the direction that is opposite from forward; backward; away. [1/15 definitions]
back and forth moving in one direction and then toward the opposite, often repeatedly; to and fro. [1/2 definitions]
backhoe an excavating vehicle with a large metal bucket that is drawn toward the vehicle in a digging motion.
backswept inclined or swept toward the rear.
backswing in sports, the first part of the swing of a bat, club, racket, or the like, in which it is swung toward the player's back in preparation for the forward swing.
backward toward or into an earlier time. [3/8 definitions]
backwash in nautical terminology, water that an oar, propeller, or the like pushes toward the rear of a boat. [2/4 definitions]
base runner in baseball, any member of the team at bat who is safely on base or is running toward a base.
basin in geology, an area where rock strata tilt downward toward a common center. [1/6 definitions]
beckon to attract or draw toward; invite. [2/3 definitions]
behind at or toward the back; in the rear. [1/10 definitions]