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an arm and a leg (informal) a very large amount of money, in the speaker's opinion.
angina pectoris severe recurrent pain in the chest caused by a sudden decrease in the amount of blood flowing to the heart muscle.
angle1 the space between the lines of such a figure as measured in degrees, the number of which reflects the amount of turning that would be required to move one of the lines so that it meets and overlaps the other. [1/10 definitions]
ante in poker, an amount of money that a player must put into play before seeing his or her cards. [1/3 definitions]
any even a very small amount of (used after a negative). [2/7 definitions]
aperture an opening, often adjustable, that controls the amount of light reaching the lens on a camera or other optical instrument. [1/2 definitions]
approach to move in the direction of or become nearly equal to in quality, degree, or amount. [1/9 definitions]
a pretty penny (informal) a high price or large amount of money.
area the amount of expanse of a flat or curved surface. [1/4 definitions]
armload the amount (of things) that can be carried cradled in the arms, or the things themselves.
assess to establish or set the amount of (a tax, fine, or the like). [1/3 definitions]
assessment the amount of a tax, fine, or the like that is assessed. [1/3 definitions]
as soon as possible within the shortest amount of time possible.
at least at the lowest amount; not less than. [1/2 definitions]
atmospheric river a very long and narrow wind corridor that transports a vast amount of water vapor through the sky, which can result in drenching rainstorms for particular areas.
atomic bomb an extremely destructive weapon, the explosive power of which derives from the immense amount of energy suddenly released when the nuclei of uranium 235 or plutonium atoms are split; atom bomb.
augment to make greater in size, degree, or amount; intensify by adding. [2 definitions]
avalanche to inundate or overwhelm with a large amount of something. [1/4 definitions]
average a usual amount or kind; that which is not extreme or extraordinary. [2/9 definitions]
average out to amount to an average according to arithmetic calculation (usu. fol. by "to"). [1/2 definitions]
bagful the amount that a bag can or does hold. [2 definitions]