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Dictionary Suite
anastrophe reversal of the normal sentence structure or word order, as in the sentence "To the battlefield rode the commanders."
Anglicism (often l.c.) a word, idiom, or feature of the English language, esp. British English, borrowed by another language; Briticism. [1/2 definitions]
antecedent in grammar, the word or word group to which a pronoun refers, as in "The women demanded their rights," in which "women" is the antecedent of "their." [1/4 definitions]
antepenult the third from last syllable in a word, such as "get" in "forgetfulness".
antepenultimate the third item from the end in a series, esp. a syllable in a word; antepenult. [1/2 definitions]
antonym a word having a meaning opposite to that of another word.
apheresis the dropping or omission of a letter, sound, or the like at the beginning of a word, as in "scuse" for "excuse".
aphesis the loss or dropping of an unstressed vowel at the beginning of a word, such as the "a" from "adobe".
apocope the loss or omission of the final letter, syllable, or sound of a word, as in "talkin'" for "talking".
apostrophe1 a mark (') used to show the omission of one or more letters or numbers from a word or figure, as in "wouldn't" for "would not" and "'87" for "1987". [1/3 definitions]
application program a computer program designed to be used by, and perform a particular function for, end users, such as a word-processing program, browser, or game.
appositive in grammar, a word, phrase, or clause that functions as a noun and is placed, without a conjunction, immediately after a noun or noun equivalent that refers to the same person, place, or thing, such as "a devoted scholar" in "my mother, a devoted scholar". [1/2 definitions]
archaism something archaic, such as a word or expression. [1/2 definitions]
attributive in grammar, a word or phrase expressing an attribute. [1/3 definitions]
augmentative in grammar, of or pertaining to a word, word element, or phrase that signifies an increase in size, intensity, or the like, such as "super-" in "superheated". [2/3 definitions]
back formation in linguistics, a word that appears to be the base of, but was actually formed from, another word, as "trivia" from "trivial".
barbarous violating accepted word usage. [1/3 definitions]
benedicite (cap.) a canticle beginning with the word "benedicite". [1/2 definitions]
blend two or more consonants that are next to each other in a word and that are pronounced together. [2/9 definitions]
bon mot a particularly apt or witty word or expression.
Briticism a word, phrase, or idiom characteristic of or belonging exclusively to the English language as used in Great Britain.