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anil a shrub of the pea family that is native to the West Indies, and from which indigo is obtained, or the blue dye itself. [1/2 definitions]
antifamily combined form of family.
appanage a grant of land or revenue made by a king or queen to a dependent member of the royal family. [1/2 definitions]
araroba this tree, a member of the pea family. [1/2 definitions]
Arawakan a family of South American Indian languages that includes Arawak.
arbutus an evergreen tree or shrub of the heath family having broad dark green leaves and bearing clusters of pink or white flowers and small strawberrylike fruit. [2 definitions]
arm2 (pl.) the insignia of a family or institution. [1/7 definitions]
arnica a medicinal plant of the aster family, having bright yellow, rayed blossoms. [1/2 definitions]
arugula a plant of the mustard family having flat, green leaves that have a distinctive pungent taste and are often used as salad greens.
arum any of a family of plants, such as jack-in-the-pulpit, with arrow-shaped leaves and bearing a flower, at the tip of a long spike, that is enclosed by a hoodlike leaf. [1/2 definitions]
aster any of a large family of plants whose white, pink, blue, or purple flowers consist of numerous narrow petals around a yellow center.
aucuba an Asian evergreen shrub of the dogwood family that has variegated leaves and bears red berries.
au pair (French) a girl or woman who works for a family, usu. in a foreign country, in exchange for room and board. [1/2 definitions]
Austroasiatic a language family of Southeast Asia that includes Vietnamese and Khmer.
Austronesian a family of languages spoken over a vast area from the Indian Ocean to New Zealand and Hawaii. [1/3 definitions]
baby the youngest person in a family or group. [1/12 definitions]
baby's-breath a plant of the pink family that has small delicate white or pink flowers that grow in branching clusters.
balsam fir an evergreen tree of the pine family, native to Canada and the northeastern United States, which is cut for pulpwood and Christmas trees and from which Canada balsam is derived.
baneberry a plant of the buttercup family that bears white flowers and fleshy poisonous red or white berries. [1/2 definitions]
basil a type of aromatic herb of the mint family, used in cooking.
bass1 the instrument within a family of musical instruments that plays the lowest tones. [1/5 definitions]