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Apostolic See the pope's see or center of authority, believed to have been founded at Rome by Peter.
apteryx see "kiwi."
aqua fortis see "nitric acid."
Arab see "Arabian." [1/4 definitions]
Arabian see "Arabian horse." [1/4 definitions]
Arab Republic of Egypt see "Egypt."
arak see "arrack."
archangel see angelica. [1/2 definitions]
Archeozoic see "Archean."
ark see "ark of the covenant." [2/4 definitions]
Armorican see "Breton."
artichoke see "Jerusalem artichoke." [1/2 definitions]
asphaltum see "asphalt."
atom bomb see "atomic bomb."
atomic pile see "nuclear reactor."
atom smasher see "accelerator."
Attic wit see "Attic salt."
audience a group of people gathered to hear and sometimes to see a performance, speech, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
auf Wiedersehen (German) until we see each other again; good-bye for now (used at parting).
au revoir (French) until we see each other again; good-bye for now.
autotoxemia see "autointoxication."