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arid extremely dry or parched, esp. as land which has received little or no rainfall. [1/2 definitions]
asexual having no sex or sex organs; sexless. [1/2 definitions]
as soon as no later than the time that, or immediately after the moment that.
atheism the belief that there is no God.
atheist one who believes that there is no god or gods.
at the latest no later than (a specified time).
audacious showing no concern for social conventions or law; insolent. [1/2 definitions]
audit to attend (a course at a school or college) for no credit. [1/4 definitions]
auditor one who attends a school or college course for no credit. [1/3 definitions]
Australoid (outdated; no longer in scientific use) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of members of a human racial group originating in Australia, the Pacific Islands, and areas of southern and central India, generally characterized by dark skin and dark curly hair. [2 definitions]
avirulent not infectious or virulent, or no longer so.
bald having little or no hair on the scalp. [2/4 definitions]
barefaced with no covering over the face. [1/3 definitions]
Basque the language spoken by this people, which has no known relationship to other languages. [1/3 definitions]
be done with to have no further relationship or connection with; end.
benign causing little or no harm. [1/4 definitions]
be out of to no longer have (something that is normally available).
be over someone to no longer feel any romantic feelings for (someone).
beret a soft, round, flat cap with a close-fitting headband and no visor, usu. made of felt or wool.
blizzard in meteorology, a violent snowstorm characterized by high winds of no less than 35 miles (56 kilometers) per hour and lasting three hours or more. A blizzard results in extremely reduced visibility. [1/2 definitions]
bottomless having no bottom. [1/3 definitions]