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atomic clock an extremely accurate timekeeping device regulated by the reliably constant frequency at which atoms of certain highly reactive substances absorb or emit electromagnetic radiation.
Augean extremely dirty or disagreeable; filthy. [1/2 definitions]
awful extremely unpleasant. [2/4 definitions]
awfully very; extremely. [1/2 definitions]
ballistic missile a long-range missile that reaches its target by falling freely at extremely high speed along a precalculated trajectory.
balsa a tree of tropical America, the wood of which is extremely light in weight. [1/2 definitions]
beggarly extremely poor or unkempt; like a beggar. [1/2 definitions]
blistering extremely hot. [1/2 definitions]
blizzard in meteorology, a violent snowstorm characterized by high winds of no less than 35 miles (56 kilometers) per hour and lasting three hours or more. A blizzard results in extremely reduced visibility. [1/2 definitions]
brilliant extremely shiny or bright; glittering. [1/5 definitions]
broil1 to cause to become extremely hot or burned, esp. at the top surface, [1/6 definitions]
bubbly extremely cheerful; spontaneously exuberant. [1/2 definitions]
build up to describe or conceive of (someone or something) in an extremely positive light. [1/5 definitions]
burn out to become extremely tired and no longer interested in doing something. [1/4 definitions]
butcher someone who has committed many, or extremely vicious, murders. [1/6 definitions]
can't wait to feel extremely excited in anticipation of something.
cellophane noodle an extremely thin, transparent Oriental noodle.
circuit breaker a switch or other device that automatically interrupts the electric current when a circuit is overloaded or extremely stressed in another way.
colossal extremely large in size, magnitude, or effect; enormous; gigantic; huge.
cracking unusually; extremely; very. [1/3 definitions]
crazy (informal) extremely fond; passionately devoted (usu. fol. by "about"). [1/8 definitions]