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attraction an event that draws popular attention. [1/4 definitions]
autopsy a detailed analysis of any past event. [1/2 definitions]
background historical or social conditions or events leading up to, or being present during, a given situation or event. [1/5 definitions]
back-step an undoing or reversal of progress or an event that effects such. [1/2 definitions]
bake a social event at which food is baked and eaten. [1/5 definitions]
bake sale an event in which baked items, such as cookies and cupcakes, are sold in order to raise money for a particular cause.
belle a popular and admired woman, usu. young and often considered the most outstanding beauty at a social event or in a social circle.
benefit a social event to raise money for a specific cause or person. [1/5 definitions]
biennial an event occurring once every two years. [1/5 definitions]
blessing a special gift or favorable event, esp. one believed to come from a divine source. [1/4 definitions]
brouhaha an event involving such commotion. [1/2 definitions]
business a particular matter, process, or event. [1/9 definitions]
calamity an event causing extreme harm, suffering, or destruction; disaster. [1/2 definitions]
call off to cancel (an appointment, action, event, or the like).
casualty a thing or person harmed or lost as a result of some event or situation. [1/5 definitions]
casus belli (Latin) an event or occurrence that provokes or serves as a pretext to declare war.
cataclysm a violent natural event, esp. an upheaval causing a sudden change in the earth's crust, or a great flood. [1/2 definitions]
celebrate to observe or commemorate (an occasion or event), as with gifts, festivities, or special rituals. [2/4 definitions]
ceremony a set of formalities, customs, or rites performed in order to give honor or validation, or this set of acts taken as an event. [1/4 definitions]
chain of events a series of related events that occur in a sequence after some particular triggering event.
chain reaction any sequence of events in which the result of one event becomes the cause of the one that follows. [1/3 definitions]