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author the creator of a plan or work. [1/3 definitions]
b a grade given for good, but not excellent, academic work. [1/5 definitions]
backlog a quantity, as of work or objects, that has accumulated. [1/3 definitions]
ballistics the study of the characteristics of ammunition and firearms, as in police detection work. [1/3 definitions]
beadwork art or craft work with beads, or the beaded products themselves; beading.
beast of burden an animal such as a donkey or ox used esp. for heavy work or carrying loads.
bibliography a descriptive list of source materials used in preparing a written work, often referred to in the body of the text. [1/4 definitions]
book a literary work such as a novel or volume of poetry. [2/13 definitions]
boondoggle unnecessary, wasteful, or impractical work; make-work. [2/3 definitions]
border the decorative strip around the edge of something such as fabric or other crafted work. [1/6 definitions]
boss1 a person who employs others or supervises their work; manager. [1/7 definitions]
botch to spoil or ruin as a result of clumsy work or poor repairs; bungle. [1/3 definitions]
bracero a Mexican laborer allowed to enter the United States temporarily in order to perform seasonal or migrant work.
brogan a stout, ankle-high work shoe.
bronze an object made of bronze, esp. a medal or work of art. [1/4 definitions]
brothel a house where people work as prostitutes.
brown-bag to bring (a meal, usu. lunch) to work, school, or the like in, or as in, a brown paper bag. [2/3 definitions]
brownie a small, mythical fairy, esp. one who secretly does household work at night. [1/3 definitions]
brushwork work done with a brush, as in painting. [1/2 definitions]
bum (informal) one who does not want to work, or one who takes selfish advantage of the generosity of others. [1/5 definitions]
burn the midnight oil to stay awake very late for work or study.