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b a grade given for good, but not excellent, academic work. [1/5 definitions]
bad not good; naughty. [1/9 definitions]
ball2 (informal) a very good time or experience. [1/2 definitions]
bargain something obtained at a good price, esp. if it is worth more than what was given in exchange. [1/6 definitions]
become to look good with; show to advantage. [1/3 definitions]
benefaction performance of a good deed or good deeds that benefit a person or institution, often a charitable organization. [1/2 definitions]
beneficence the quality of doing good. [1/2 definitions]
beneficent tending to do good; kindly; charitable. [1/3 definitions]
benevolence the inclination to act to the benefit of others; good will. [1/2 definitions]
benevolent desiring to do good for others; generous. [2/3 definitions]
best superlative of "good." [1/11 definitions]
better comparative of "good." [1/14 definitions]
bless to confer something good upon. [1/5 definitions]
blessed having had good fortune conferred upon one. [1/4 definitions]
blooded (of animals) having ancestors of good breeding; purebred. [1/2 definitions]
bluff1 abrupt or bluntly outspoken, but good-natured. [1/3 definitions]
bona fide in good faith; honest; sincere. [1/2 definitions]
bon appétit (French) good appetite (used before a meal to wish diners enjoyment ).
bonjour (French) good day or good morning; hello.
bonsoir (French) good evening (used as a greeting or farewell).
bon voyage have a good trip.