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Ba symbol of the chemical element barium.
barium a chemical element of the alkaline-earth group that has fifty-seven protons in each nucleus and that is usu. found in compounds such as salts. (symbol: Ba) [1/2 definitions]
Be symbol of the chemical element beryllium.
berkelium a radioactive synthetic metal element of the actinide series that has ninety-seven protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Bk)
beryllium a chemical element of the alkaline-earth group that has four protons in each nucleus and occurs in pure form as a hard, light, gray solid, chiefly used in alloys with copper and in aerospace material. (symbol: Be)
Bi symbol of the chemical element bismuth.
Big Ben this clock or tower, esp. as a symbol of England. [1/2 definitions]
bismuth a chemical element that has eighty-three protons in each nucleus and is a white brittle crystalline metal with very low thermal and electrical conductivity, used chiefly in alloys and medicines. (symbol: Bi)
Bk symbol of the chemical element berkelium.
black belt the black sash symbolizing this rank, or the person to whom this symbol has been awarded. [1/3 definitions]
boron a chemical element that has five protons in each nucleus and that occurs naturally only in compounds such as boric acid and borax. (symbol: B)
Br symbol of the chemical element bromine.
branding iron a long-handled metal implement, usu. with a stamp or symbol at the end, that is heated and pressed against a surface, esp. the skin of a cow, to make a burn of a particular shape for identification.
Broadway this street as representing the theater district of New York City, or considered as a symbol of the center or apex of the U.S. theater industry. [1/2 definitions]
bromine a chemical element of the halogen group that has thirty-five protons in each nucleus, occurring as a toxic, volatile, dark reddish brown liquid or in various compounds such as acids and salts. (symbol: Br)
bulleted marked by a bullet symbol or symbols.
button a small, round symbol on a computer screen or electronically-active page that allows one to activate a program. [1/7 definitions]
C2 symbol of the chemical element carbon.
Ca symbol of the chemical element calcium.
cadmium a chemical element that has forty-eight protons in each nucleus and occurs in various compounds or in pure form as a soft bluish white metal. (symbol: Cd)
caduceus a representation of this staff, used as the symbol of the medical profession. [1/2 definitions]