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bake sale an event in which baked items, such as cookies and cupcakes, are sold in order to raise money for a particular cause.
baksheesh in several Near Eastern countries, a gift of money; tip.
bank2 a business concerned with the safeguarding, exchanging, and lending of money. [2/6 definitions]
bankroll one's readily available money. [2/3 definitions]
barter to trade services or commodities without the use of money. [3/5 definitions]
beg to ask for (food, money, or other necessities) as charity or as a gift. [1/4 definitions]
benefactor one who benefits or helps an individual or an institution, usu. by giving money.
benefit an object, service, or sum of money that enhances well-being; aid. [2/5 definitions]
bet to agree to give up (usu. money) to another person if one's prediction of some future result does not occur. [2/7 definitions]
bill1 a piece of paper money. [1/7 definitions]
billfold a folding case for carrying paper money, often of leather and usu. small enough to fit into a pocket; wallet.
bite (informal) an amount of money. [1/19 definitions]
blackmail to force or attempt to force (someone) to pay money or perform some action under the threat of having damaging information revealed. [1/3 definitions]
blood money money earned at the cost of the suffering or death of others. [1/3 definitions]
bloodsucker one who extorts or lends money on exploitative terms. [1/2 definitions]
bond a piece of paper issued by a person, government, or corporation, signifying debt and promising repayment and interest money. [1/6 definitions]
bread (slang) money. [1/4 definitions]
breadwinner a member of a family or household who earns money to support the other members.
bribe something, esp. money, that is illicitly promised or given in return for privileges or favors, usu. to someone in a position of public trust. [1/4 definitions]
bring in to earn or secure (money) for the benefit of oneself, one's family, a business, or an institution. [1/5 definitions]
brokerage the money or commission paid to a broker. [1/2 definitions]