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Dictionary Suite
bank holiday an official holiday in the UK, when banks and other businesses are closed.
batting average a measure of a baseball player's batting ability computed by dividing the total number of base hits by the number of official times at bat. [1/2 definitions]
beadle an official of an English church who ushers and maintains order during church services.
Bible (l.c.) any book or text that is considered authoritative or official. [1/3 definitions]
bigwig (informal) an important person, esp. a dignitary or official. (See VIP.)
birth certificate an official document recording the time and place of a person's birth and the names of the parents.
blue book an official U.S. government publication, such as a report or register, often with a blue cover. [1/3 definitions]
Book of Common Prayer the official book of services and prayers in the Anglican Church.
bull2 an official papal document, usu. sealed with a round lead seal.
bureaucrat an official in a government office, esp. one who follows rules and routines rather than personal judgment.
cabinet (often cap.) an official group of advisors to the head of a government. [1/6 definitions]
cachet an official seal on a document or letter. [1/4 definitions]
call on to put out an official demand to (a person, agency, institution, or the like). [1/4 definitions]
Cambodian the official language of Cambodia; Khmer. [1/3 definitions]
canonical determined to be official or authentic by church authority, as the books of the Bible. [1/3 definitions]
cantor the synagogue official who chants in solo or leads the congregation in chanting prayers. [1/2 definitions]
capital1 pertaining to the official location of a state or national government. [1/10 definitions]
cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church, an official appointed by the pope and second in rank to him. [1/4 definitions]
cathedra the official seat of a bishop.
cathedral the principal church of a bishop's diocese, containing his official throne. [2/5 definitions]
censor an official who examines written works, films, plays, and the like in order to delete parts that are considered objectionable on political, moral, or other grounds. [1/6 definitions]