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barber pole a pole or cylinder with red and white spiral stripes, by which barbers indicate the location of their shops.
barberry any of various shrubs, often spiny, that have leathery leaves and bear clustered yellow flowers and small ovoid red-orange berries.
beef bourguignon a dish consisting of braised cubes of beef in a red-wine sauce, often with mushrooms or other vegetables.
beefsteak tomato any large red flavorful tomato.
beet a cultivated plant whose leaves and fleshy, usu. dark red root are edible. (See sugar beet.) [1/2 definitions]
belladonna a poisonous plant bearing purplish red flowers and black berries; deadly nightshade. [1/2 definitions]
bell pepper the apple-sized fruit of this plant, usu. red when ripe but often eaten green; sweet pepper. [1/2 definitions]
berbere an Ethiopian spice blend, red in color and containing chili pepper and paprika, often used in stews and curries.
beta-carotene a molecule of the carotene family that has a red-orange color and is abundant in plants.
Betelgeuse a red variable star in the constellation Orion, having a magnitude of 0.7.
betel palm a tall palm tree of the Asian tropics that has feathery leaves and produces orange or red fruit and the betel nut.
bignonia any of various tropical American woody vines that bear trumpet-shaped red or yellow flowers.
Bing cherry a variety of sweet, dark red cherry.
bittersweet a climbing, woody vine found in North America, bearing orange fruit that splits open when ripe to expose red-coated seeds. [1/5 definitions]
blackbird any of various common songbirds, the males of which are black or mostly black, such as the European thrush or the American red-winged blackbird.
black widow a small spider, widespread in the United States, of which the female has a shiny, black body with an hourglass-shaped red mark on its underside, a poisonous but usu. not fatal bite, and a reputation for sometimes devouring its mate.
bleeding heart any of several flowering plants, esp. a common garden variety with drooping red or deep pink, heart-shaped flowers. [1/2 definitions]
blood the red fluid containing oxygen and nutrients that circulates in the vascular system of vertebrates. [1/7 definitions]
blood count the number of red cells, white cells, and platelets counted in a specific volume of blood. [1/2 definitions]
bloodroot a North American spring wildflower that bears a single white flower and has a fleshy red root that yields a toxic red sap.
bloodshot (of eyes) showing dilated blood vessels; red and irritated.