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base2 having or showing selfishness or low moral standards. [1/2 definitions]
becoming flattering or showing off to advantage (often fol. by "to"). [1/4 definitions]
belligerent having or showing an eagerness to fight; aggressive; warlike. [1/4 definitions]
bloodshot (of eyes) showing dilated blood vessels; red and irritated.
blooming showing youth, vigor, and healthy color. [1/3 definitions]
bottom line (informal) the final figure or lowest line in a financial statement, showing net profit or loss. [1/2 definitions]
brittle having or showing little warmth or compassion; cold. [1/4 definitions]
brotherly having or showing affection, kindness, or loyalty.
buddy-buddy (informal) having or showing great friendship.
camera-shy having or showing a dislike of being photographed.
careworn showing the effects of prolonged worry.
cavalier showing offhand disregard; arrogant and disdainful. [1/4 definitions]
clever showing intelligent thinking, originality, or ingenuity. [1/4 definitions]
coat of arms the insignia, esp. of a family, showing emblems and figures arranged on and around a shield.
common having or showing low breeding or behavior. [1/9 definitions]
compass card a round card showing the points of the compass and degrees of a circle that is fitted within a compass case.
considerate showing regard for the feelings and needs of others.
cool as a cucumber showing no trace of anxiety or vulnerability.
corpus delicti the material evidence showing that a crime has been committed. [1/2 definitions]
crazy showing poor judgment; not sensible. [1/8 definitions]
creaky showing disrepair or neglect. [1/2 definitions]