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beauty spot a tiny dark mark or patch applied to the face or shoulders, esp. by a woman to accentuate the fairness of her skin. [1/2 definitions]
begum a high-ranking Muslim woman, often a widow.
beldam an old woman, esp. one who is ugly.
belle a popular and admired woman, usu. young and often considered the most outstanding beauty at a social event or in a social circle.
B-girl a woman employed by a drinking establishment to act as a companion for male customers and entice them to buy expensive drinks.
biddy2 (informal) a fussy or talkative old woman.
bimbo (slang) a woman, esp. one considered to be stupid, silly, or sexually promiscuous.
bitch (offensive) a difficult or lewd woman. [1/3 definitions]
bitchy (slang) usu. of a woman, malicious or bad-tempered.
blonde of a girl or woman, having light-colored hair. [2 definitions]
bluestocking a learned woman, esp. an intellectual and literary one.
bondswoman1 a woman who provides bail or surety for another.
bosom the front part of the chest, esp. that of a woman. [1/7 definitions]
bosomy of a woman, having large or prominent breasts.
bride1 a woman who is newly married or is about to be married.
bridesmaid a woman who attends the bride in a wedding ceremony.
Britannia Great Britain or the British Empire, often represented as a seated, helmeted woman holding a trident. [1/3 definitions]
broad (usu. offensive) a woman. [1/7 definitions]
busgirl a woman or girl who works in a restaurant setting tables, clearing dishes, or the like.
businesswoman a woman who works in business or commerce.
buxom of a woman, having a large bosom. [2 definitions]