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behave to act or function in a certain way. [1/3 definitions]
belles-lettres (used with a sing. verb) elegant or polished writing; literature regarded as having an aesthetic function, as distinguished from informative or persuasive writing.
biorhythm an inherent rhythm or cycle in a biological function or process. [1/2 definitions]
brain damage damage to the brain that impairs function.
break down to become ineffective or unable to function. [1/4 definitions]
broken cracked or smashed into separate pieces, or no longer able to function. [1/9 definitions]
by dint of through the power or force of; as a function of.
by the way used to add into a conversation something that is on a different subject. This may simply function as a quick interruption of the original discussion or it may serve to change the direction of the conversation completely.
capacity the ability to function or be used in a certain way. [1/6 definitions]
center field the position of the player whose primary function is to defend this area of the outfield. [1/2 definitions]
center fielder in baseball, the player who is stationed in center field when the other team is batting and whose primary function is to defend that territory.
chiropractic a system of healing in which manipulation of the spinal column and other body structures is used to restore normal nerve function and thus good health.
claw any object that is similar to a claw in appearance or function. [1/6 definitions]
coenzyme in biochemistry, a small organic compound necessary to the function of an enzyme.
cofactor in biochemistry, an ion or small organic compound necessary to the function of an enzyme.
come on to start to function by the use of power. [1/7 definitions]
commission an order granting authority to perform a certain task or function. [2/9 definitions]
commitment a pledge or obligation to fulfill an act or function. [1/4 definitions]
compatible able to exist or function harmoniously with another. [1/2 definitions]
constabulary of or pertaining to constables or their organization and function. [1/3 definitions]
constitute to nominate or appoint to a function or office. [1/4 definitions]